Our Research Interests

Pioneering a new approach to estimate shipping emissions
The research group has developed a new way to estimate emissions using satellite and terrestrial satellite data, which unlocks greater accuracy than previous methods and in turn enables greater confidence on GHG action and understand the drivers of emissions. The group led the United Nations International Maritime Organisation (IMO) 3rd GHG study and 4th GHG study, which have become a key reference for citing the sector’s GHG emissions, boosted by an award-winning interactive map (www.shipmap.org).
Modelling the evolution of shipping emissions, technology pathways and policy options
The research group has also developed the Global Transport Model (GloTraM), which performs a scenario-based analysis of the evolution of the shipping fleet and emissions to 2050. The model has been used by policy makers, Department for Transport, DG Clima, Danish Shiponwers Association, and has been described as the most sophisticated model to represent future shipping scenarios. The shipping group has also developed the ZEV (Zero Emission Vessels) model which evaluates the total cost of operation of different combination of zero emission fuels and technologies for different ship types.

Modelling the evolution of shipping emissions, technology pathways and policy options
The research group is the leading authority in the understanding of barriers to decarbonisation in the shipping sector and using socio-technical transitions frameworks to provide interpretation to key decision makers in international, regional, national levels across both public and private stakeholders. Integrating socio-techno-economic research and frameworks such as socio-technical transitions e.g. Multi-Level Perspective with the research group’s significant modelling and engineering disciplinary focus enables the research group to achieve a multidisciplinary research perspective.
Research with impact
The shipping and oceans research group has been extremely successful in delivering real world impact via partnerships with shipping companies, financiers, regulators and NGOs. The work of these partnerships has been underpinned by data and methodologies researched and published by members of the shipping group. The research has been funded through a mixture of research grants and consultancy work through UMAS (between 2015–2024), a sector focussed, commercial advisory service.
The Shipping and Oceans Research group's work has been funded through a mixture of research grants and consultancy work through UMAS (between 2015–2024), a sector focussed, commercial advisory service. This section contains a selection of reports that were branded as UMAS.